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UniMRCP 0.5.0 Released

UniMRCP 0.5.0 (r828) has been released and now is available for download.

Source Distribution

Windows Installer

Windows SDK Installer

Windows Installer has been built using
- APR-1.2.12
- Sofia-SIP-1.12.10
- Visual Studio 2005 (release build)

This release contains significant improvements in RTSP/MRCPv1 and MRCPv2 parser and transport stacks. Thus everybody is welcome to upgrade. There are no interface changes introduced in this release, but a minor enhancement in logger (apt_log), which is fairly easy to adapt. Version number of plugin also has been increased (0.3.0). You need just to recompile/build your plugins against the released source.

Changes since previous release 0.4.0 (r722) include
- Fixed Aculab MRCPv1 client interoperability (the issue concerned RTSP/MRCPv1 stack mentioned above )
- Fixed processing of error conditions in client and server
- Supported manual NAT traversal in case of SIP/MRCPv2/RTP and RTSP/MRCPv1/RTP (no STUN yet)
- Made possible to run multiple instances of unimrcpclient on the same host.
- Updated recognizer header (added missing fields)
- Improved documentation and project infrastructure

Thanks for using UniMRCP.

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