PocketSphinx Plugin
Usage Guide
Created: February 16, 2017
Last updated: March 18, 2017
Author: Arsen Chaloyan
Table of Contents
2.4 Speech and DTMF Input Detector
3.1 Using Default Configuration
3.3 Specifying Built-in Grammars
3.4 Specifying Speech/DTMF Input Detector
3.5 Specifying Utterance Manager
4.3 Supported MRCP Header Fields
This guide describes how to configure and use the PocketSphinx plugin to the UniMRCP server. The document is intended for users having a certain knowledge of PocketSphinx and UniMRCP.
For installation instructions, use one of the guides below.
· RPM Package Installation (Red Hat / Cent OS)
· Deb Package Installation (Debian / Ubuntu)
Instructions provided in this guide are applicable to the following versions.
UniMRCP 1.4.0 and above UniMRCP PocketSphinx Plugin 1.0.0 and above |
The configuration file of the PocketSphinx plugin is located in /opt/unimrcp/conf/umspocketsphinx.xml and the relevant data files are placed in the directory /opt/unimrcp/data/pocketsphinx.
The configuration file is written in XML.
The root element of the XML document must be <umspocketsphinx>.
Name |
Unit |
Description |
license-file |
File path |
Specifies the license file. File name may include patterns containing '*' sign. If multiple files match the pattern, the most recent one gets used. |
Name |
Unit |
Description |
<model-collection> |
String |
Specifies a collection of the PocketSphinx acoustic models. |
< speech-dtmf-input-detector> |
String |
Specifies parameters of the speech and DTMF input detector. |
< utterance-manager> |
String |
Specifies parameters of the utterance manager. |
This is an example of a bare document.
< umspocketsphinx license-file="umspocketsphinx_*.lic"> </ umspocketsphinx> |
This element contains a collection of the PocketSphinx language/acoustic models.
Name |
Unit |
Description |
default-language |
String |
Specifies the default language to use, if not set by the client. |
Name |
Unit |
Description |
<model> |
String |
Specifies the language/acoustic model. |
This is an example of a bare collection of models.
<model-collection default-language="en-US"> </model-collection> |
This element specifies a PocketSphinx language/acoustic model.
Name |
Unit |
Description |
enable |
Boolean |
Specifies whether the model is enabled or disabled. |
language |
String |
Specifies a language the model is made for. |
sampling-rate |
Integer |
Specifies a sampling rate the model is made for. |
acoustic-model-dir |
Dir path |
Specifies a directory containing the acoustic model data. |
dictionary |
File path |
Specifies a dictionary file to use. |
grammar-dir |
Dir path |
Specifies a directory containing built-in speech grammars. |
The example below defines two en-US language models: one is for audio sampled at 8 kHz, the other – for 16 kHz.
<model-collection default-language="en-US"> <model enable="true" language="en-US" sampling-rate="8000" acoustic-model-dir="cmusphinx-en-us-8khz" dictionary="cmudict-en-us.dict" grammar-dir="speech-grammar-en-us" /> <model enable="true" language="en-US" sampling-rate="16000" acoustic-model-dir="cmusphinx-en-us-16khz" dictionary="cmudict-en-us.dict" grammar-dir="speech-grammar-en-us" /> </model-collection> |
This element specifies parameters of the speech and DTMF input detector.
Name |
Unit |
Description |
speech-start-timeout |
Time interval [msec] |
Specifies how long to wait in transition mode before triggering a start of speech input event. |
speech-complete-timeout |
Time interval [msec] |
Specifies how long to wait in transition mode before triggering an end of speech input event. |
noinput-timeout |
Time interval [msec] |
Specifies how long to wait before triggering a no-input event. |
input-timeout |
Time interval [msec] |
Specifies how long to wait for input to complete. |
dtmf-interdigit-timeout |
Time interval [msec] |
Specifies a DTMF inter-digit timeout. |
dtmf-term-timeout |
Time interval [msec] |
Specifies a DTMF input termination timeout. |
dtmf-term-char |
Character |
Specifies a DTMF input termination character. |
normalize-input |
Boolean |
Specifies whether received spoken input stream should be normalized or not. |
speech-leading-silence |
Time interval [msec] |
Specifies desired silence interval preceding spoken input. The parameter is used if normalize-input is set to true. |
speech-trailing-silence |
Time interval [msec] |
Specifies desired silence interval following spoken input. The parameter is used if normalize-input is set to true. |
speech-output-period |
Time interval [msec] |
Specifies an interval used to feed speech frames to the PocketSphinx recognizer. |
The example below defines a typical speech and DTMF input detector having the default parameters set.
<speech-dtmf-input-detector speech-start-timeout="300" speech-complete-timeout="1000" noinput-timeout="5000" input-timeout="10000" dtmf-interdigit-timeout="5000" dtmf-term-timeout="10000" dtmf-term-char="" normalize-input="true" speech-leading-silence="300" speech-trailing-silence="300" speech-output-period="80" /> |
This element specifies parameters of the utterance manager.
Name |
Unit |
Description |
save-waveforms |
Boolean |
Specifies whether to save waveforms or not. |
waveform-base-uri |
String |
Specifies the base URI used to compose an absolute waveform URI. |
waveform-folder |
Dir path |
Specifies a folder the waveforms should be stored in. |
expiration-time |
Time interval [min] |
Specifies a time interval after expiration of which waveforms are considered outdated. |
purge-waveforms |
Boolean |
Specifies whether to delete outdated waveforms or not. |
purge-interval |
Time interval [min] |
Specifies a time interval used to periodically check for outdated waveforms. |
The example below defines a typical utterance manager having the default parameters set.
<utterance-manager save-waveforms="false" waveform-base-uri="http://localhost/utterances/" waveform-folder="" expiration-time="60" purge-waveforms="true" purge-interval="30" /> |
This section outlines common configuration steps.
The default configuration and data files correspond to the en-US language and should be sufficient for the general use.
While the default configuration and data files contain references to an en-US acoustic model and a dictionary file, which are getting installed with the package unimrcp-pocketsphinx-model-en-us, other acoustic models and dictionary files can also be used.
In order to add a new or modify the existing model, the following parameters must be specified.
· language the model is made for
· sampling rate the acoustic data corresponds to
· path to a directory containing acoustic model
· path to a dictionary file
Note that, unless an absolute path is specified, the path is relative to the directory /opt/unimrcp/data/pocketsphinx/$language.
The following example defines two models: one for en-US and the other for de-DE language.
<model-collection default-language="en-US"> <model enable="true" language="en-US" sampling-rate="8000" acoustic-model-dir="cmusphinx-en-us-8khz" dictionary="cmudict-en-us.dict" grammar-dir="speech-grammar-en-us" /> <model enable="true" language="de-DE" sampling-rate="8000" acoustic-model-dir="cmusphinx-de-de-8khz" dictionary="cmudict-de-de.dict" grammar-dir="speech-grammar-de-de" /> </model-collection> |
Built-in grammars are stored in the fsg format and can be referenced by the client by means of a built-in URI, such as:
builtin:speech/$name |
where $name is the name of a grammar file stored in the specified speech grammar directory for a particular model.
For instance, the package unimrcp-pocketsphinx-model-en-us installs a sample grammar file called command.fsg, located in the directory /opt/unimrcp/data/pocketsphinx/en-US/speech-grammar-en-us. This sample grammar can be referenced by the client using the following URI:
builtin:speech/command |
The default parameters specified for the speech and DTMF input detector are sufficient for the general use. However, various timeouts can be adjusted to better suite a particular requirement.
· speech-start-timeout
This parameter is used to trigger a start of speech input. The shorter is the timeout, the sooner a START-OF-INPUT event is delivered to the client. However, a short timeout may also lead to a false positive.
· speech-complete-timeout
This parameter is used to trigger an end of speech input. The shorter is the timeout, the shorter is the response time. However, a short timeout may also lead to a false positive.
· noinput-timeout
This parameter is used to trigger a NO-INPUT event. The parameter can be overridden per MRCP session by setting the header field NO-INPUT in SET-PARAMS and RECOGNIZE requests.
· input-timeout
This parameter is used to limit input time. The parameter can be overridden per MRCP session by setting the header field RECOGNITION-TIMEOUT in SET-PARAMS and RECOGNIZE requests.
· dtmf-interdigit-timeout
This parameter is used to set inter-digit timeout on DTMF input. The parameter can be overridden per MRCP session by setting the header field INTER-DIGIT-TIMEOUT in SET-PARAMS and RECOGNIZE requests.
· dtmf-term-timeout
This parameter is used to set termination timeout on DTMF input and is in effect when dtmf-term-char is set and there is a match for an input grammar. The parameter can be overridden per MRCP session by setting the header field INTER-DIGIT-TIMEOUT in SET-PARAMS and RECOGNIZE requests.
· dtmf-term-char
This parameter is used to set a character terminating DTMF input. The parameter can be overridden per MRCP session by setting the header field INTER-DIGIT-TIMEOUT in SET-PARAMS and RECOGNIZE requests.
The default parameters specified for the speech and DTMF input detector are sufficient for the general use. However, various timeouts can be adjusted to better suite a particular requirement.
· save-waveforms
Utterances can optionally be recorded and stored if the configuration parameter save-waveforms is set to true. The parameter can be overridden per MRCP session by setting the header field SAVE-WAVEFORMS in SET-PARAMS and RECOGNIZE requests.
· waveform-base-uri
This parameter specifies the base URI used to compose an absolute waveform URI returned in the header field WAVEFORM-URI in response to RECOGNIZE requests.
· waveform-folder
This parameter specifies a path to the directory used to store waveforms in.
· expiration-time
This parameter specifies a time interval in minutes after expiration of which waveforms are considered outdated.
· purge-waveforms
This parameter specifies whether to delete outdated waveforms or not.
· purge-interval
This parameter specifies a time interval in minutes used to check for outdated waveforms if purge-waveforms is set to true.
ü Input-Type
ü No-Input-Timeout
ü Recognition-Timeout
ü Waveform-URI
ü Media-Type
ü Completion-Cause
ü Start-Input-Timers
ü DTMF-Interdigit-Timeout
ü DTMF-Term-Timeout
ü DTMF-Term-Char
ü Save-Waveform
ü Speech-Language
ü Cancel-If-Queue
ü Built-in/extendable FSG speech grammars
ü Built-in/embedded DTMF grammar(s)
This examples demonstrates how to load a JSGF grammar using a DEFINE-GRAMMAR request and further reference the loaded grammar in a RECOGNIZE request.
MRCP/2.0 603 DEFINE-GRAMMAR 1 Channel-Identifier: 5091ac2cc2f8284d@speechrecog Content-Type: application/x-jsgf Content-Id: request1@form-level Content-Length: 432
#JSGF V1.0; grammar cmdGrammar; public <basicCmd> = <startPolite> (<callCommand> | <dialCommand>) <endPolite>;
<callCommand> = call <name>; <dialCommand> = dial <digit>;
<name> = (steve | young | bob | johnston | john | jordan | joe); <digit> = (one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | zero | oh);
<startPolite> = (please | kindly | could you) *; <endPolite> = [ please | thanks | thank you ]; |
MRCP/2.0 112 1 200 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier: 5091ac2cc2f8284d@speechrecog Completion-Cause: 000 success
MRCP/2.0 305 RECOGNIZE 2 Channel-Identifier: 5091ac2cc2f8284d@speechrecog Content-Type: text/uri-list Cancel-If-Queue: false No-Input-Timeout: 5000 Recognition-Timeout: 10000 Start-Input-Timers: true Confidence-Threshold: 0.87 Save-Waveform: true Content-Length: 27
session:request1@form-level |
MRCP/2.0 83 2 200 IN-PROGRESS Channel-Identifier: 5091ac2cc2f8284d@speechrecog
MRCP/2.0 115 START-OF-INPUT 2 IN-PROGRESS Channel-Identifier: 5091ac2cc2f8284d@speechrecog Input-Type: speech
MRCP/2.0 492 RECOGNITION-COMPLETE 2 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier: 5091ac2cc2f8284d@speechrecog Completion-Cause: 000 success Waveform-Uri: <http://localhost/utterances/utter-5091ac2cc2f8284d-2.wav>;size=20480;duration=1280 Content-Type: application/x-nlsml Content-Length: 208
<?xml version="1.0"?> <result> <interpretation grammar="request1@form-level" confidence="1.00"> <instance>call steve</instance> <input mode="speech">call steve</input> </interpretation> </result> |
This examples demonstrates how to reference a built-in speech grammar in a RECOGNIZE request. The built-in speech grammar command is defined in the command.fsg file located in the directory /opt/unimrcp/data/pocketsphinx/en-US/speech-grammar-en-us.
MRCP/2.0 333 RECOGNIZE 1 Channel-Identifier: 3a9672600dc64b61@speechrecog Content-Id: request1@form-level Content-Type: text/uri-list Cancel-If-Queue: false No-Input-Timeout: 5000 Recognition-Timeout: 10000 Start-Input-Timers: true Confidence-Threshold: 0.87 Save-Waveform: true Content-Length: 22
builtin:speech/command |
MRCP/2.0 83 1 200 IN-PROGRESS Channel-Identifier: 3a9672600dc64b61@speechrecog
MRCP/2.0 115 START-OF-INPUT 1 IN-PROGRESS Channel-Identifier: 3a9672600dc64b61@speechrecog Input-Type: speech
MRCP/2.0 478 RECOGNITION-COMPLETE 1 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier: 3a9672600dc64b61@speechrecog Completion-Cause: 000 success Waveform-Uri: <http://localhost/utterances/utter-3a9672600dc64b61-1.wav>;size=25920;duration=1620 Content-Type: application/x-nlsml Content-Length: 194
<?xml version="1.0"?> <result> <interpretation grammar="command" confidence="1.00"> <instance>dial five</instance> <input mode="speech">dial five</input> </interpretation> </result> |
This examples demonstrates how to reference a built-in DTMF grammar in a RECOGNIZE request.
MRCP/2.0 266 RECOGNIZE 1 Channel-Identifier: d26bef74091a174c@speechrecog Content-Type: text/uri-list Cancel-If-Queue: false Start-Input-Timers: true Confidence-Threshold: 0.7 Speech-Language: en-US Dtmf-Term-Char: # Content-Length: 19
builtin:dtmf/digits |
MRCP/2.0 83 1 200 IN-PROGRESS Channel-Identifier: d26bef74091a174c@speechrecog
MRCP/2.0 113 START-OF-INPUT 1 IN-PROGRESS Channel-Identifier: d26bef74091a174c@speechrecog Input-Type: dtmf
MRCP/2.0 382 RECOGNITION-COMPLETE 1 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier: d26bef74091a174c@speechrecog Completion-Cause: 000 success Content-Type: application/x-nlsml Content-Length: 197
<?xml version="1.0"?> <result> <interpretation grammar="builtin:dtmf/digits" confidence="1.00"> <input mode="dtmf">1 2 3 4</input> <instance>1234</instance> </interpretation> </result> |
This examples demonstrates how to reference a built-in DTMF grammar and a speech grammar combined in a RECOGNIZE request. In this example, the user is expected to input a 4-digit pin.
MRCP/2.0 327 DEFINE-GRAMMAR 1 Channel-Identifier: 6ae0f23e1b1e3d42@speechrecog Content-Type: application/x-jsgf Content-Id: grammar-1 Content-Length: 166
#JSGF V1.0; grammar pinCmd; public <pin> = <digit> <digit> <digit> <digit>; <digit> = ( one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine ); |
MRCP/2.0 112 1 200 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier: 6ae0f23e1b1e3d42@speechrecog Completion-Cause: 000 success
MRCP/2.0 275 RECOGNIZE 2 Channel-Identifier: 6ae0f23e1b1e3d42@speechrecog Content-Type: text/uri-list Cancel-If-Queue: false Start-Input-Timers: true Confidence-Threshold: 0.7 Speech-Language: en-US Content-Length: 47
builtin:dtmf/digits?length=4 session:grammar-1 |
MRCP/2.0 83 2 200 IN-PROGRESS Channel-Identifier: 6ae0f23e1b1e3d42@speechrecog
MRCP/2.0 115 START-OF-INPUT 2 IN-PROGRESS Channel-Identifier: 6ae0f23e1b1e3d42@speechrecog Input-Type: speech
MRCP/2.0 399 RECOGNITION-COMPLETE 2 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier: 6ae0f23e1b1e3d42@speechrecog Completion-Cause: 000 success Content-Type: application/x-nlsml Content-Length: 214
<?xml version="1.0"?> <result> <interpretation grammar="grammar-1" confidence="1.00"> <instance>one two three four</instance> <input mode="speech">one two three four</input> </interpretation> </result> |
· Overview of CMUSphinx toolkit
· Adapting existing acoustic model