UniMRCP  1.7.0
include Directory Reference


file  apt.h [code]
 APR Toolkit Definitions.
file  apt_consumer_task.h [code]
 Consumer Task Definition.
file  apt_cyclic_queue.h [code]
 Cyclic FIFO Queue of Opaque void* Objects.
file  apt_dir_layout.h [code]
 Directories Layout.
file  apt_header_field.h [code]
 Header Field Declaration (RFC5322)
file  apt_log.h [code]
 Basic Logger.
file  apt_multipart_content.h [code]
 Multipart Content Routine.
file  apt_net.h [code]
 Network Utilities.
file  apt_nlsml_doc.h [code]
 NLSML Result Handling.
file  apt_obj_list.h [code]
 List of Opaque void* Objects.
file  apt_pair.h [code]
 Generic Name-Value Pair.
file  apt_poller_task.h [code]
 Poller Task.
file  apt_pollset.h [code]
 Interruptable APR-Pollset.
file  apt_pool.h [code]
 APR pool management.
file  apt_string.h [code]
 String Representation.
file  apt_string_table.h [code]
 Generic String Table.
file  apt_task.h [code]
 Thread Execution Abstraction.
file  apt_task_msg.h [code]
 Task Message Base Definition.
file  apt_test_suite.h [code]
 Test Suite and Framework Definitions.
file  apt_text_message.h [code]
 Text Message Interface (RFC5322)
file  apt_text_stream.h [code]
 Text Stream Parse/Generate Routine.
file  apt_timer_queue.h [code]
 Timer Queue.