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APT Repository Launched

UniMRCP users,

Please be informed that binary packages for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS are available for immediate download. Packages for other Debian-based distributions can be produced upon request.
Also, a new Advance Package Tool (APT) repository is launched. The repository allows to conveniently install UniMRCP .deb packages with all the required dependencies. Should you need binaries or libraries and header files, included in development kits, you may delegate tracking of complicated dependencies to APT and get everything installed with simple commands.
For instance, in order to install the UniMRCP server, you may use the command
sudo apt-get install unimrcp-server
In order to start implementing a plugin or integrating the server library into your application, the required development kit can be installed with

sudo apt-get install unimrcp-server-dev
Similarly, for implementation of user client applications, you may need to install the client development kit
sudo apt-get install unimrcp-client-dev
For more information, please read the documentation Deb Installation Manual, which covers both APT and also manual installation of .deb packages.
In addition, the corresponding packages of UniMRCP modules for Asterisk 13.4.0 are currently available. Would you be interested in a different version of Asterisk, or OS, the packages will be produced shortly.
Let me once again emphasize that the installation of binary packages are available to UniMRCP members only. Become a member, support UniMRCP, and benefit from hassle-free installation.
Thank you for using UniMRCP.

Arsen Chaloyan
Author of UniMRCP

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