Amazon Web Services (AWS) Polly Speech Synthesis Plugin 1.1.0 to the UniMRCP Server (UMS) has been released.
The plugin is based on the following components:
- UniMRCP Server 1.5.0
- AWS SDK 1.5.16
The binaries are currently available for the following Linux distributions:
- Red Hat / CentOS 7
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
This release provides several minor fixes and also introduces a couple of new features.
The detailed list of changes introduced in this release follows.
New Features
- Initialized the AWS SDK in a certain way to use a fixed pool of threads for execution of HTTP requests. The default behavior was to spawn a thread per request, which is not efficient enough for processing hundreds of concurrent requests.
- An AWS region can now be specified from the configuration.
Fixed Problems
- If 'bypass-ssml' is set to false, then the SSML content is recomposed to strip off the 'voice' element before sending the content to the service.
- All the internal common class names are declared under a unique namespace not to cause a conflict with other speech synthesis plugins being loaded in to the same instance of UniMRCP server.
- If 'save-waveforms' was set to 'true' while 'save-records' was set to 'false', the header of saved wave files was not properly composed.
Configuration Parameters
- Added new configuration attributes 'init-sdk' and 'shutdown-sdk' to the element 'umspolly'.
- Added a new configuration attribute 'thread-pool-size' to the element 'synth-settings'.
- Added a new configuration attribute 'region' to the element 'synth-settings'.
- Updated the Usage Guide to reflect the changes introduced in this release.
Visit the Polly plugin page for more information.
Thank you for using UniMRCP.
Arsen Chaloyan
Author of UniMRCP