Powered by Universal Speech Solutions LLC


Google Dialogflow Plugin 1.15.0 Released

Google Dialogflow (GDF) Plugin 1.15.0 to the UniMRCP Server (UMS) has been released.

The plugin is based on the following components:

  • UniMRCP Server 1.7.0
  • Google Dialogflow API v2
  • gRPC 1.20.0
  • Protobuf 3.7.0

The binaries are currently available for the following Linux distributions:

  • Red Hat / CentOS 7 (unimrcp-gdf-1.7.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm)
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (unimrcp-gdf_1.7.1-xenial_amd64.deb)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (unimrcp-gdf_1.7.1-bionic_amd64.deb)

This release introduces support for multiple Google account credentials and numerous new features and parameters. The release is built against a newer version of Google APIs.

The detailed list of changes introduced in this release follows.
New Features
  • Added support for multiple Google account credentials, which can be specified either per server profile or per MRCP session via feature tags.
  • Added support for gRPC meta data 'x-goog-user-project'.
  • Added support for an alternate way of triggering a Dialogflow welcome intent by means of 'builtin:grammar/event_welcome' in addition to 'builtin:event/welcome'. The new method is commonly supported by the majority of IVR platforms.
  • Allow word-level time offset information be retrieved based on a new configuration parameter 'word-info'. The parameter can be set globally in umsgdf.xml and be specified per recognition request either via vendor-specific parameters or optional attributes passed to a built-in grammar or via metadata set in an SRGS XML grammar.
  • Allow domain-specific model and model variant be specified. The parameters can be set globally in umsgdf.xml and be specified per recognition request either via vendor-specific parameters or optional attributes passed to a built-in grammar or via metadata set in an SRGS XML grammar.
  • Added support for speech adaptation boost. The 'weight' attribute of the 'item' element in SRGS XML and/or a new 'boost' attribute of the 'phrase' element in 'speech-context' can be used for this purpose.
  • Added support for Dialogflow agent versions and environments.
  • Added support for inter-result timeout. If the specified timeout is elapsed, input is considered complete. The timeout defaults to 0 (unset) and can be overridden per recognition request.
Fixed Problems
  • While composing an NLSML result based on a data structure received from Dialogflow, replace '-' with '_' in the XML parameter names to fix interoperability with Genesys PureConnect. This behavior is controlled by a new configuration attribute 'replace-dashes', which is enabled by default.
Configuration Parameters
  • Added a new attribute 'word-info' to the element 'streaming-recognition'. The attribute defaults to 'false'.
  • Added new attributes 'model' and 'model-variant' to the element 'streaming-recognition'. The attributes are not set by default.
  • Added a new attribute 'environment' to the element 'streaming-recognition'. The attribute is not set by default.
  • Added a new attribute 'inter-result-timeout' to the element 'streaming-recognition'. The attribute defaults to 0 (unset).
  • Added a new attribute 'replace-dashes' to the element 'results'. The attribute defaults to 'true'.
  • Upgraded Google APIs (unigoogleapis-1.1.0).
  • Using 'single_utterance' in 'InputAudioConfig' instead of the deprecated property of 'StreamingDetectIntentRequest".
  • Using 'phrase_hints' in a speech context passed to 'InputAudioConfig' instead of the deprecated proprety of 'InputAudioConfig'
  • Class tokens can now be specified as a text of 'item' elements in an SRGS XML grammar or 'phrase' elements in 'speech-context'.
  • Updated the Usage Guide to reflect the changes introduced in this release.

Visit the GDF plugin page for more information.


Thank you for using UniMRCP.

Arsen Chaloyan
Author of UniMRCP

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