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Recorder Resource Supported

Now UniMRCP supports recorder resource too.

This resource allows to capture and store audio and video streams. The
use cases are evident for telephony platforms which provide call
recording and voice mail functionality with limited capacity of local
Utilization of UniMRCP client stack facilitates usage of remote
storage for recording and allows to use any MRCP compliant server,
which supports recorder resource such as UniMRCP server. Currently
only audio streams are supported, but hopefully video will be
supported either.
Moreover, set of synthesizer, recognizer and recorder resources allows
to build distributed and fully decomposed solutions, where telephony
applications may stay out of media processing, but do signaling.

Also sample recorder scenario has been added to umc application. To
use it update your local umcscenarios.xml file and input "run rec"
from console.

Arsen Chaloyan
The author of UniMRCP

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