Binary packages for UniMRCP 1.7.0 release have been published and can be retrieved from the corresponding repositories.
The binary packages are currently available for the following distributions:
- Red Hat / CentOS 7
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Red Hat / CentOS 8 [coming up later in Q2, 2020]
The binary packages are produced for the following UniMRCP components:
- Client and Server libraries
- Google SR, SS, DF plugins
- Azure SR, SS plugins
- AWS Lex and Polly plugins
- Watson SR, SS plugins
- Yandex SR, SS plugins
- GoVivace SR plugin
- Kaldi, PocketSphinx and Julius plugins
- Asterisk Modules
The regular installation/upgrade instructions apply.
Thank you for using UniMRCP.
Arsen Chaloyan
Author of UniMRCP