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File Name: unimrcp-deps-1.1.0.zip
File Size: 6.09 MB
File Type: application/zip
Doc Type: Source
OS: Windows
Release Date: Jul 07 2011
Hits: 4660

This package contains the UniMRCP dependencies such as:

* APR (Apache Portable Runtime)

Description: APR is the base portability library.
Version: 1.4.2
Location: http://www.unimrcp.org/dependencies/apr-1.4.2-win32-src.zip
Note: Operations on memory pools aren't thread-safe in the original distribution of APR. Whereas, this version of the library is patched to ensure thread-safety of memory pools.The patch can be found at http://www.unimrcp.org/dependencies/p1-apr-pools.diff

* APR-util (Apache Portable Runtime Utilities)

Description: APR-util provides a number of helpful abstractions on top of APR.
Version: 1.3.10
Location: http://www.unimrcp.org/dependencies/apr-util-1.3.10-win32-src.zip
Note: APU_HAVE_APR_ICONV and APU_HAVE_ODBC are disabled.

* Sofia-SIP

Description: Sofia-SIP is a SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification.
Version: 1.12.10devel
Location: http://www.unimrcp.org/dependencies/sofia-sip-1.12.10devel.zip
Note: This is a development release which is ahead of version 1.12.10.
Instead of the binary distribution of pthreadVC2.dll, this version of the library is bundled with the corresponding source of the pthread library, which can be found at