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File Name: unimrcp-deps-1.6.0.zip
File Size: 5.67 MB
File Type: application/zip
Doc Type: Source
OS: Windows
Release Date: Nov 06 2018
Hits: 7619

This package contains 3-rd party libraries and tools required to build the UniMRCP project.

1. APR (Apache Portable Runtime) library

* Description: APR is the base portability library.
* Version: 1.5.2
* Base: http://www.unimrcp.org/dependencies/apr-1.5.2-win32-src.zip
* Patches: http://www.unimrcp.org/dependencies/apr-1.5.2-patches.zip
* Notes:
* In the original distribution of the APR library, which can be downloaded from the location
specified above, operations on memory pools are not thread-safe. Whereas, the version of the
APR library included in this package is patched to make the memory pools thread-safe.

2. APR-util (Apache Portable Runtime Utilities) library

* Description: APR-util provides a number of helpful abstractions on top of APR.
* Version: 1.5.4
* Base: http://www.unimrcp.org/dependencies/apr-util-1.5.4-win32-src.zip
* Patches: http://www.unimrcp.org/dependencies/apr-util-1.5.4-patches.zip
* Notes: APU_HAVE_APR_ICONV and APU_HAVE_ODBC are disabled.

3. Sofia-SIP library

* Description: Sofia-SIP is a SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification.
* Version: 1.12.11-239-g54ef3e2
* Repository: https://github.com/unispeech/sofia-sip
* Notes:
* The version of the Sofia-SIP library included in this package is checked out from the GitHub
repository unispeech/sofia-sip. This is a clone of the Sofia-SIP library maintained for needs of
the UniMRCP project.
* The source files are checked out from git using core.autocrlf set to true. The tool mawk.exe is
used by the script autogen.cmd to prepare the source tree for Windows build. This allows all
text files to have the native file ending.

4. Pthreads-win32

* Description: Pthreads-win32 provides the POSIX threads API for Windows.
* Version: 2.9.1
* Base: http://www.unimrcp.org/dependencies/pthreads-w32-2-9-1-release.tar.gz
* Patches: http://www.unimrcp.org/dependencies/pthreads-w32-2.9.1-patches.tar.gz