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BUILD REQUIREMENTS The UniMRCP project depends on a number of third party tools and libraries which must be installed first. All the required dependencies are available to download prepackaged for the UniMRCP use from the http://www.unimrcp.org/downloads/dependencies Alternatively, original versions of the libraries as well as patches on them can be downloaded http://www.unimrcp.org/dependencies References: 1. Apache Portable Runtime [>=1.2.x] (http://apr.apache.org). 2. Sofia-SIP [>=1.12.6] (http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net).
GNU BUILD Prerequisites: autoconf 2.59 or newer
Procedure: If the UniMRCP source is checked out from the repository, the "bootstrap" script must be run first ./bootstrap The usual "configure", "make", "make install" sequence of commands should follow in order to build ./configure As a result, the project will be installed in the directory "/usr/local/unimrcp" with the following bin binaries (unimrcpserver, unimrcpclient, ...) There are a couple of options which can additionally be configured. ./configure --with-apr=/usr/local/apr --with-apr-util=/usr/local/apr In order to specify where to look for the Sofia-SIP library, use the "--with-sofia-sip=" option. ./configure --with-sofia-sip=/usr/local/sofia-sip In order to generate executables and shared libraries for x86-64 architecture, use the "-m64" CFLAGS=-m64 CXXFLAGS=-m64 LDFLAGS=-m64 ./configure In order to generate executables and shared libraries for i386 architecture, use the "-m32" option CFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 LDFLAGS=-m32 ./configure In order to install the default configuration, use the following commands: cd conf In order to install the default data files, use the following commands: cd data In order to build a Doxygen generated documentation, use the following command: make dox
WINDOWS BUILD Prerequisites: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 2010. One-time pre-build setup: [optional] This step can be skipped if the dependencies are installed in their default locations. Otherwise, apr.vsprops Procedure: 1. Open one of the available solution files: One-time output directory setup: Build the "prepare.vcproj" utility project by right clicking on the project icon from the Solution bin binaries (unimrcpserver, unimrcpclient, ...) and all the required dlls |
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