Powered by Universal Speech Solutions LLC


Verbio SS Plugin 1.0.0 Released

IVR platforms can now utilize Verbio TTS API via UniMRCP Server.

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Nuance BS Plugin 1.0.2 Released

This release adds support for deployments requiring no authentication.

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Nuance SS Plugin 1.2.1 Released

This release adds support for deployments requiring no authentication. The release fixes processing of special characters in SSML.

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Nuance SR Plugin 1.3.1 Released

This release adds support for deployments requiring no authentication. The release fixes processing of 4xx responses received from the NRaaS API.

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Azure SS Plugin 1.24.0 Released

This release adds support for language-based on-prem service endpoints used with multi-language applications. The release allows to specify custom styles per voice and provides other minor fixes and improvements.

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