Powered by Universal Speech Solutions LLC


Google SS Plugin 1.11.1 Released

This release is built against a newer version of Google APIs and a patched version of the gRPC library.

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Google SR Plugin 1.21.0 Released

This release is built against a newer version of Google APIs and a patched version of the gRPC library. The release supports additional parameters introduced in the v1p1beta1 API.

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Google Dialogflow Plugin 1.19.0 Released

This release is built against a newer version of Google APIs and a patched version of the gRPC library. The release introduces full support of regional ES (v2beta1) and CX (v3, v3beta1) agents. An extended set of features is now supported for CX agents.

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AWS Transcribe Plugin 1.3.2 Released

This is a patch release which ensures query string attributes set in the HTTP GET request are URL-encoded.

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Watson SR Plugin 1.8.0 Released

This release adds support for custom language models.

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