Powered by Universal Speech Solutions LLC


Google SS Plugin 1.7.0 Released

This release introduces support for multiple Google account credentials. The release is built against a newer version of Google APIs.

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UniMRCP 1.7.0 Packages Published

Binary packages for UniMRCP 1.7.0 release have been published and can be retrieved from the corresponding repositories.

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Asterisk Modules 1.7.0 Released

This release adds support for a persistent MRCP session being used by multiple invocations of MRCPRecog(), MRCPSynth() and SynthAndRecog() applications in the scope of the same call. The release also fixes a couple of minor problems.

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UniMRCP 1.7.0 Released

This release allows to pass profile-based and session attributes to engines. There are minor but valuable fixes and enhancements made in the client and server stacks.

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Kaldi SR Plugin 1.5.0 Released

This release introduces supplementary features and enhancements to the existing functionality and fixes a few minor problems.

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