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Azure SS Plugin 1.10.0 Released

This release adds support for HTTP proxy in communication with license servers available as a service.

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Azure SR Plugin 1.11.0 Released

This release adds support for HTTP proxy in communication with license servers available as a service.The release also improves log statements and addresses a few production issues.

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AWS Polly Plugin 1.4.0 Released

This release is built against a newer version of AWS SDK allowing to utilize AssumeRole implemented via STSProfileCredentialsProvider. The release adds support for HTTP proxy in communication with the AWS services and also license servers available as a service.

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AWS Lex Plugin 1.4.0 Released

This release is built against a newer version of AWS SDK allowing to utilize AssumeRole implemented via STSProfileCredentialsProvider. The release adds support for HTTP proxy in communication with the AWS services and also license servers available as a service.

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Asterisk 16.6.1 Binary Packages Published

Please be informed that binary packages for Asterisk 16.6.1 compiled with UniMRCP modules 1.5.2 have been published. The packages are available for Red Hat / CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

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